Hands Washing Poster For Kids in English

مارس 14, 2020  | تصنيفات:


Hands Washing poster includes:

  • Benefits of washing hands continuously
  • When to wash our hands
  • The correct procedure of how to wash our hands in a way that kills germs and viruses. These steps are suggested by World Health Organization.
  • Two orientations available
  • Available in two variations: Boys and Girls
رمز المنتج: غير محدد التصنيف:


Hands Washing poster includes:

  • Benefits of washing hands continuously
  • When to wash our hands
  • The correct procedure of how to wash our hands in a way that kills germs and viruses. These steps are suggested by World Health Organization.
  • Two orientations available
  • Available in two variations: Boys and Girls

This poster can be used in both home and school. We strongly recommend printing it and placing it in the public places. You may also print it and distribute it to children in the Global Hand Washing Day or any other occasion.

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